Maxi 1300
Maxi 1300 fully battened mainsail. Radial construction. Top quality Dimension DCXI laminate. Sail was made new in 2017 but the rig was changed in 2019 to in-mast furling. So it had two seasons of light use and is first class. Have priced low because it would be a shame and a waste for it not to find a new home. Full inspection possible (KT23 – Surrey or elsewhere by arrangement). Contact Mike 07917 798940

Spec for sail

Practical Boat Owner Volume 589 (Summer 2015) contains a comprehensive review written by Peter K Poland of all Pelle Petterson’s Maxi boats, starting with the original Maxi 77 through to the Maxi 1300 and Maxi 1200. We are extremely grateful to the Editor of PBO and to Peter Poland for granting us permission to reproduce this as a PDF.
To view it, please click here.
New UK agent for Maxi Yachts
Regatta Yachts Limited has been appointed as the new UK agent for Maxi Yachts ( . The full press release can be found here.
You can find details of current production models (Maxi 1200, Maxi 1300 and Maxi SM) at
We have received the following email from Maxi Yachts confirming that the new Maxi 1300 will be available for viewing in Poland this summer. Let’s hope this is the start of a new beginning for Maxi Yachts.
Dear All Maxi Owners
I would like to inform that Maxi 1300 will be launch in Gdańsk Marina in Poland this summer when will be tested on the Baltic Sea.
You All more the welcome to see us there.
I will keep You updated.
Whish to see You on our deck soon