Read about technical aspects discovered by our members. Note some articles may appear under more than one category.
Please find below a link to the Maxi 1100 Electrics manual
Maxi 1300 fully battened mainsail. Radial construction. Top quality Dimension DCXI laminate. Sail was made new in 2017 but the rig was changed in 2019 to in-mast furling. So it had two seasons of light use and is first class. Have priced low because it would be a shame and a waste for it not to find a new home. Full inspection possible (KT23 – Surrey or elsewhere by arrangement). Contact Mike 07917 798940

Spec for sail

Replacement of the sail-drive gaiter is a recurring task for Maxi owners and one that is costly through a yard. Malcolm (Denny) Denham has done it himself on his Maxi 1100 and has kindly shared with the group his experience. The pdf file below includes the lessons learned and has pictures through the procedure while the Excel file includes materials used and time taken.
Many thanks Denny for sharing with the group.
There has been much discussion in the sailing media and the MOA WhatsApp group about biodiesel and diesel additives. From the WhatsApp group, it appears we have an expert in our membership with Malcolm Denham having written an article on biodiesel which appeared in Cruising Magazine in December 2021 Please find here a link to the article reproduced with their permission.
Spotted on the internet by Jim Turner is this supplier of replacement hatches and windows for certain Maxis which may be of interest. Models covered are Maxi 68, 84, 87, 77, 95, 909/999 and Maxi Fenix.

Contact details for Plexifix: