After the weather and COVID cancellations in 2019 and 2020, the fortunes smiled on the MOA rally at Shepards Wharf on the 25/26 September.
Early morning drizzle gave way to dry conditions and autumn sunshine by the afternoon, to welcome (a record?) 22 boats and 47 crew to Cowes. The pre-eminent status of the MOA allowed us to raft up in the inside bay, while other rallies bobbed about outside overnight.
UKSA could not host us this year due to their large building programme, so the splendid location of the Island Sailing Club became the venue for the dinner. Many old friendships were renewed and several members enjoyed their first rally with the MOA.
The weather on Sunday continued to favour us, allowing some good sailing back to home ports in sunshine and a fair breeze.
Maxis attending were Aloni, Amy Lou, Aquarius, Ariam, Asante, Blue Lightning, Blue Rider, Cardellino, Caribou, Enshaillah, Eye of Horus, Good Time Girl, Lady Penelope, Leda of Hamble, Lookin’ for Kloos, Neroli, Out of the Blue, Ruby Max, Suive, Walk of Life, Wild Blue and Zuma Blue.