… for the Max from your sailing!

Welcome to the Maxi Owners Association

Please feel free to browse our public section for information about Maxi's and our Association. Members may log in at the top of the page. We always welcome new Maxi Owners from anywhere in the world so please CLICK HERE for membership information.


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The MOA managed to choose one of the hottest weekends of the year to hold the 2022 mid-summer rally. Despite the hot dry weather some managed to sail using the mid-afternoon solar breeze. Royal Clarence proved to be a popular venue.

Watched over by the Royal Navy’s two aircraft carriers, eleven boats attended the rally on Saturday, including three berth holder boats; six boats came on Friday to make a weekend of it.

Attendees were: Eye of Horus; Pell Mell; Leda of Hamble; Genepy; Blue Lightning; Asante; Amazing Grace; Lady Penelope; Out of the Blue; Zuma Blue & Suive.

The hot weather resulted in one of the yachts taking time out whilst on passage to Gosport to anchor off Hillhead, to allow time for the crew to cool off with a spell of Solent swimming. Brave souls!

The rally hosts, Lorraine & Richard Sams of “Suive”, provided a pontoon party, helped by Sarah (Pell Mell). Twenty six people managed to gather on the pontoon to demolish nibbles and liquid refreshment.

The evening dinner was held in the upstairs room of the “Bakers Bar & Kitchen”, just by the marina. Despite the windows all being open, with even better views of the two aircraft carriers, the temperature continued to stay hot. This did not quieten the overall hubbub of sailing adventures and future plans.

Attendees were reminded that there are three more rallies this year: River Yealm (Sat 3rd Sept); Shepards Wharf (17th/18th Sept) and Lymington (Sat 15th Oct)

Sarah Horwood (membership sec) advised us that the MOA membership has increased to 123 and that the MOA “Whats App” group is proving a great success with 84 members participating currently.

On behalf of the participants, Peter Sands gave a vote of thanks to “Suive”.

At this point we all successfully negotiated the spiral staircase down to the ground floor without any mishaps and returned to our respective berths to try and cool down.

The first MOA rally of the season took place on the weekend of 14th/15th May 2022. Earlier in the week the forecast had promised a mini heatwave but true to form, as the weekend approached the weather forecasts were less optimistic for the Sunday. Nine boats gathered in a sunny Bembridge on the Saturday; some having arrived the day before to make the most of the weekend. The tides dictated an early arrival and so all boats were tied up in the harbour before midday. Our boats were spread out along the marina and it was a little disappointing that, having booked as a rally, the harbour didn’t berth us all together.

Brilliant sunshine in Bembridge

A treasure hunt was organised with clues spread out around the Duver. Crews set out in search of the clues and an enjoyable couple of hours were spent walking around in the sunshine. As quizmasters, we on Asante were able to relax in the sunshine and sneak in a quick pint at Steve’s Bar (Bear’s Vest clue 18!!)

A pontoon party kicked off at 6 o’clock alongside Asante, the answers to the treasure hunt were read out and scores taken. There was some friendly rivalry and questioning with some crews feeling rather hard done by, but the judge’s decision was final and in any case, we had clear winners with Chris and Margaret Bulleid (Cava) getting correct answers to almost all of the clues, thus vindicating the judge’s decision.

Following the pontoon party, a safari supper was held with crews spread around different boats for each course. A great evening was had with delicious food and drink and great company.

Sunday morning dawned grey and breezy. Julian and Carolyn on Looking for Kloos were the first to leave, sneaking out across the bar as soon as the tide allowed. By the time other boats made to leave the rain had well and truly set in leading to Aquarius Ventures, Cava and Suive sensibly electing to sit it out in Bembridge for another day. Meanwhile Ariam, Blue Lightning, Moondust, Wild Blue and Asante braved the elements and ‘enjoyed’ a wet and breezy sail back to home ports.

Wet sail back

Boats attending:

Aquarius Ventures



Blue Lightning


Looking for Kloos



Wild Blue

Please find below the planned rallies for 2022:

AGM rally – Marchwood Sat 7th April

Spring rally – Bembridge Sat 14th / Sun 15th May.

Summer rally – Royal Clarence, – Gosport, August 6th. Host – Richard Sams

Summer rally – River Yealm – Sat 3rd / Sun 4th September – host Gary Heward

Autumn rally – Cowes – Shepards Wharf – Sat 17th /Sun 18th Sept – host – Pam & Andy Verdon (Ariam)

End of season rally – Lymington Yacht Haven – Sat 15th/Sun 16th Oct – Host – Julian Trimming/Steve Harridge.

Maxi 1300 fully battened mainsail. Radial construction. Top quality Dimension DCXI laminate. Sail was made new in 2017 but the rig was changed in 2019 to in-mast furling. So it had two seasons of light use and is first class. Have priced low because it would be a shame and a waste for it not to find a new home. Full inspection possible (KT23 – Surrey or elsewhere by arrangement). Contact Mike 07917 798940  

Sail in use

Spec for sail

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