At least a litre of water in the diesel tank containing 150 litres. This was initially discovered by inspection of the glass primary filter and no reason was forth coming until it was found that the “O” ring of the deck filler cap had disintegrated and broken. This turned out to be a very major task to remove this water and the question being had the igniters become rusted? Now where was the lowest point in the diesel tank and how to vacuum out both diesel and water via an inspection cover which would not lift more than 5 mm (yes, all 10 screws had been removed with difficulty). Not to prolong this agonising tale: check the “O” ring and if you do have to replace it (and carry a spare!) ensure it is made of “NITRILE” rubber otherwise it will disintegrate slowly with the diesel.
And on Diesel Bugs……
In the diesel where-o-where does it come from, especially when one hopes one is buying from a busy and reputable supplier. My particular BUG was dealt with using “Soltron” but there are others. Hopefully all’s well before the season starts?
Hugh Rowan