We are pleased to invite you, as a Member of the MAXI OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, to our A.G.M., which will take place at:
The Phoenix Inn
High Street
SO21 1RF
Sunday 19th February 2017
12.00 AGM (all welcome)
13.00 Meal (Curry Buffet – TBC), Drink and Skittles.
Members and families are welcome to the AGM, but if you would just like to attend the social part of the event you are very welcome. The main purpose for the AGM will be to agree the Association programme for 2017 and to elect Officers to the Committee.
The meal will probably be a curry buffet depending on numbers at a cost of £12 per head. A first drink will be provided by M-O-A.
Due to the changes in the committee at the end of this year we still have vacancies for:
East Coast Rally Co-ordinator
UK Rally Co-ordinator
We would welcome any volunteers.
We are conscious that currently most events are Solent /South Coast.
If there are members in other locations interested in attending events or maybe arranging pub meetings, rallies do lets us know to so any suggestions could be discussed at the AGM.
The committee have been busy and have developed a provisional programme for 2017, which will be shared at the AGM so that you can put the dates in your diaries.
Remember, out of area participation is always welcome so if your Maxi is a long way away (or out of the water), come by car and share the fun.
- Apologies
- Chairman’s Report – Activities during the year
- Treasurer’s Report – Membership and accounts
- Rally co-ordinator’s report on 2016 programme and review of the 2017 programme
- Election/Re-election of Officers / Committee Members and Honorary Members
Committee Members:
Chairman | Julian Trimming |
Vice-Chairman | Vacant |
Secretary | Peter Sands |
Treasurer | Sarah Sands |
Web-Master | Vacant |
South Coast Rally Co-ordinator | Richard Sams |
UK Rally Co-ordinator | Vacant |
Membership Secretary | Sara Horwood |
East Coast Rally Co-ordinator | Vacant |
General Committee Member | Andy Horwood
Carolyn Trimming plus 1 vacancy |
- Discussion on events, web site, help required and developing activity on website
- Any other business
As we need to confirm meal numbers with the pub, please confirm if you will be attending by Monday 13th February.
You will find also attached a Form of Proxy (for completion if you are unable to attend).
Please return either by email to or by post to the Membership Secretary by Friday 17th February for Proxy votes to be counted.
M-O-A Committee January 2017
FORM of PROXY MOA A.G.M. 19th February 2017
Voting by Proxy
You can vote by proxy by marking with an “X” against each item.
If you mark in some other way or more than once against the item or leave blank then no vote will be recorded for that item.
Deadline for voting by proxy
This form, properly completed, should be returned to the Membership Secretary, Sara Horwood, Anemone Cottage, South Lane, Nomansland, Salisbury, SP5 2BZ by the latest Friday 19th February. No proxy forms can be accepted after that date.
Signing the Form
For your vote to be counted you must sign at the foot of the form.
The following posts are vacant. If you are prepared to volunteer for one, please tick below: | |||||||
Vice Chairman | |||||||
Web Master | |||||||
East Coast Rally Co-ordinator | |||||||
UK Rally Co-ordinator | |||||||
Items requiring a vote: | For | Against | Abstain | Discretion of Chairman | |||
1. To re-elect existing committee members to current positions and to elect new committee members | |||||||
2. To re-elect the SD Marine team and Haskins Marine as Associate Members for 2016/17 | |||||||
Matters for discussion (please write in):
Signed——————————————————– Date ———————-
Name (Capitals please)———————————————-