Rally Details – Please contact Organiser for more details
You will be welcome to join us
Maxi Lymington Rally – September 17th
Following on from the excellent turnout from previous years, we have reserved 12 places on the Dan Bran pontoon for the rally. For those of you who have not been before, this pontoon is in the river outside of the Lyminton yacht haven but is connected to the shore by the sailing clubs.
The plan is to have drinks and nibbles on the pontoon at 18.30 followed by dinner at the Mayflower at 20.00.
For those who may want to arrive earlier, the pontoon is available on the Friday evening also but you will need to call in advance to reserve on 01590 672014 (say you are with the Maxi rally)
I hope that you are able to join us, if so, please mail me on jtrimming@hotmail.com with your
boat name, length and the number in your party.
We will send out menus nearer the day.
Best regards
Julian and Carolyn Trimming
Lookin Foor Kloos