Maxi Owners Lymington meet June 8th-9th 2013
Tides at Lymington:
Saturday HW 1138 & 2342, LW 1708 BST, Sunday HW 1214 & LW 1744
Berths for 10 yachts have been booked on the Harbour Commissioners Dan Bran Pontoon. A notice will be posted reserving the downstream section of pontoon for the MOA. The Dan Bran Pontoon is upriver and outside the entry to the Yacht haven Marina. Should the number of yachts be more than 10, there should not be a major problem. Fees, payable on arrival at the harbour office:
LOA | £’s Cost per night |
9.5 to 10.49M | 25 |
10.5 to 11.99M | 27.50 |
12 to 13.49M | 29.50 |
Shore power £ 3.50 per night.
Access to and from the pontoon, call 01590 672014 for the gate code or ask at Second Rebellion who will be moored stern to on berth 59 on the land side of the pontoon.
The Lymington Town Sailing Club (LTSC) welcomes visiting yachts and the code for the toilet and shower block, is available from the harbour office.
For those arriving from the West on the flood on Saturday, the excellent market in Lymington High Street is recommended and active until around 3pm, (about 15 minutes walk from the berth).
Pre dinner drinks on Saturday will take place in or around the Maxi 1100 Second Rebellion at 1800 hrs (berth 59 on Dan Bran). If the weather is bad, the record of 32 on board is up for bettering.
The LTSC facilities are available to all participants (please sign the visitors book outside the Solent Room upstairs in the Club)
A 3 course dinner has been arranged for Saturday evening at the LTSC Solent Room, at 7 for 7.30pm Please see below for menu and cost. A vegetarian option is available and gluten free diets can be catered for by request at time of booking. There is a £5 / head non refundable deposit for dinner required on booking on to the Rally.
Numbers must be confirmed by June 1st so please book your participation, via e-mail to Jim ( ) indicating boat name LOA and number of crew . Please send your deposit cheque, for number of crew X £5, payable to “The Lymington Town Sailing Club” together with a hard copy of your booking e-mail to the following address
Jim Sey,
Barnes Lane,
Lymington, Hants SO41 0RR.
by June 1st
Jim Sey of Second Rebellion