… for the Max from your sailing!




You may have read the report on the Midsummer Bembridge Rally when we mustered 9 boats and 18 people and had a very convivial time. We hope that now most of us have done our annual summer cruise, a similar number or more will support the rally to Yarmouth. Below are the details, but as always please book sooner rather than later to guarantee your pontoon space.

The next Maxi Owners Association rally at Yarmouth is being  organised by Julian and Carolyn Trimming.   Walk ashore berths have been booked for 10 boats and the plan is for a pontoon party followed by dinner at the Royal Solent Yacht Club. Please make sure that you put the date in your diary and send a mail to Julian on jtrimming@hotmail.com if you would like to reserve your place -3 boats have booked already!   H.W.Portmouth  is 11.50 BST ; perfect for all of the Maxi’s to the East and also manageable for the Poole boats through Hurst. Further details will be sent out nearer the date.

Graham Bremer

Solent Rally Coordinator.