… for the Max from your sailing!

An Episode in Flushing!

I had had a nice week in Belgium and Holland.  All prepared and locked out of Flushing and motoring homeward to River Orwell.

Suddenly the revs reduced to almost nothing.  My guardian angel must have been there because we were just passing the small harbour which is actually in Flushing and I was able turn and very slowly motor in. The lock was even on green.  I told the harbourmistress I might need an hour, please.  A berth was given.

rs_caught off flushing


I played octopush (underwater hockey) for many years so the event was my pleasure in a way, but it would not have been quite so easy in the middle of the North Sea or in a busy shipping lane.
I was cold for a while but we were able to continue and had to motor for sixteen hours.  The original Volvo 11c still does very well.

Be prepared.  A good knife, mask snorkel and a willing diver.

All adds to the excitement and joy of sailing.

Peter Wright                                                           Sept 2005