Rally Reports 2006
A chance encounter provided the first meeting of MOA members in the Northwest region.

Cowes Rally August 2006 – Eight Blue Boats Berthed together…
Congratulations and thanks go to Andy and Sara of Asante who orchestrated a very successful and enjoyable rally to Shepards Wharf, West Cowes on 19th/20th August.
We can consider this event as showing Maxi Owners keenly wish to get together with 8 boats in attendance.
I approve of Shepards Wharf: it is a "town quay" type with the interests of the sailor and the town first. We could watch all the Cowes commotion just as they could see our two Maxi broad pennants above the eight blue hulls.
All 20 crew were hosted aboard Asante’s cockpit with barely a ripple on her bathing platform. Swarthy stories included Guy Warner’s completion of the two-handed race round British Isles and Eire. Also, a new member who shortly after embarking on a Maxi 1000 has already moved on to own an 1100.
Together we moved off to a well planned and very good dinner at Cafe Mozart on our own in the upstairs restaurant. Deep analysis continued so Colours on Sunday may have been a trifle late. Also it is suspected that there was a return to slumber after a rather early departure of one of our party.
Peter Stonestreet
Participating boats were:-
Asante (1100), Blue Demon (1100), Blue Lightning (1100), Blue Rider (1000), Caribou (1100), Magewind (1050), Maxima (1100), Sapphire (1000)
Dec 06: Reprinted from Maxi News Autumn 2006
Even Force 6+ doesn’t stop East Coasters!!!
More details about the Spider’s Web Race

The East Coast 2006 Rally weekend included an informal and friendly race as well as a BBQ. This page outlines the race part which is based on a spider’s web whereby boats sail as many parts as they like as long as they finish by crossing a specified line at or before a declared finish time.
The finishing order is based on miles sailed and time taken, after allowing for simple handicaps and whether any of the (two) compulsory "seamanship tests" were completed satisfactorily.
In the case of the East Coast event – and anticipating rather rough seas in the Harwich Approaches – the course included an extra couple of legs up the Rivers Stour and Orwell. This just shows the flexibility of the overall concept. Apart from the initial few legs, boats are free to select their favoured points of sailing, and can easily avoid any close quarter. situations.
Many thanks to Richard Davison of Thor for generating this course and for allowing us to post details here. For more information regarding the scoring, please contact the webmaster.
Please remember that event organisers and participants must take note of the requirements in the Constitution and the Annex that applies to all events. Please enjoy yourselves!
The Start

Decision Time

The Barbeque

The results

Corrected Miles
Richard Davison
Maxi 1000
Chris Wildey
Maxi 1100
Patrick Whitear
Maxi 1050
Rod Minkey
Maxi 1000
Folly Rally Report – 16 & 17th September 2006
10 Maxi’s gather at a favourite watering hole
What a fantastic collection – the second Rally in recent weeks on the South Coast – and 10 Maxis! 1400hrs on a Saturday and they were all arriving! A very happy gathering with drinks on the pontoon by 1700. A blast of blue hulls together receiving the envious glances at such a popular venue.
Many will know that the local ferrymaster carries us across to the shore. We had an early table setting at the Folly Inn. With their unique style for a very fast throughput, it seemed the whole Isle of Wight population were all present and being served with not much waiting. A great hub–bub and a happy evening for all. The evening was warm enough that we hardly noticed we had passed over the table for the next sitting and had returned to the boats for a late night chat in the cockpit
Sunday morning and an early start, 1000hrs for the Poole boats to return and the rest of us to move off. Magewind didn’t get far; Blue Rider caught up with her in Osbourne Bay for lunch, but dare not show the photos of John and Rod swimming across in time for lunch!
Peter Stonestreet
Participating boats were:-
Blue Lightning (1100), Blue Demon (1100), Mischief Maker (1100), Jovi (1100), Shearwater (1100), Magewind (1050), Good Time Girl (1000), Sapphire (1000), Blue Rider (1000), Cascade (999)
Dec 2006
Lymington Maxi Rally – 30 September 2006