Folly Rally Report – 16 & 17th September 2006
10 Maxi’s gather at a favourite watering hole
What a fantastic collection – the second Rally in recent weeks on the South Coast – and 10 Maxis! 1400hrs on a Saturday and they were all arriving! A very happy gathering with drinks on the pontoon by 1700. A blast of blue hulls together receiving the envious glances at such a popular venue.
Many will know that the local ferrymaster carries us across to the shore. We had an early table setting at the Folly Inn. With their unique style for a very fast throughput, it seemed the whole Isle of Wight population were all present and being served with not much waiting. A great hub–bub and a happy evening for all. The evening was warm enough that we hardly noticed we had passed over the table for the next sitting and had returned to the boats for a late night chat in the cockpit
Sunday morning and an early start, 1000hrs for the Poole boats to return and the rest of us to move off. Magewind didn’t get far; Blue Rider caught up with her in Osbourne Bay for lunch, but dare not show the photos of John and Rod swimming across in time for lunch!
Peter Stonestreet
Participating boats were:-
Blue Lightning (1100), Blue Demon (1100), Mischief Maker (1100), Jovi (1100), Shearwater (1100), Magewind (1050), Good Time Girl (1000), Sapphire (1000), Blue Rider (1000), Cascade (999)
Dec 2006